On a beautiful, bright, and sunny day, I am reflective on the vast contrast of today versus those dark, dreary winter days that I so desperately wanted to come to an end. I began to think about the sun and how it was always there. Some days, so many clouds came in between the reality of the sun and my perception of its light, and I began to actually believe in some small way, that the clouds would never part. That some how the sun would never fully shine again.
Yet, since I have seen the sun, its radiant light, and experienced its warmth, I do know, not only in my head, but also in my heart, that the sun will always be. That one day, within the next couple of months, I will wipe the sweat from my brow and long for relief from the sun's unrelenting rays. I have felt its power and experienced its constantance.
Earlier today, I was thinking through the reality of God and yet, how there are so many people that choose not to believe. I could have a very hard time understanding their unbelief because I was always surrounded by people who choose to believe and live in accordance to the Word. Born the daughter of a pastor, I was submerged into a lifestyle that allowed me to see the workings of God in numerous people's lives, from my own family, to the church family that I was raised in. But, even then, I was subject to a choice. I personally had to choose to believe if there really was a God, and if so, what that would mean for me.
I liken my understanding of why I believe in God to why I believe in the existence of the sun.
Just like I have seen the affects of the sun, and experienced its power, I have seen with my own eyes the works of God around me, and I have lived in experience with Him. I know God is real because the light of His reality has so penetrated my heart that I cannot deny Him. Just like anyone who has lived in the light of the sun knows that it is real. You can see clearly because His light has illuminated life and given you a greater understanding of what is real.
Still, I can also see why there are people who have great doubts about God, or choose not to believe in Him at all. I am not offended by others' unbelief. In fact, I don't see it as my responsibility to convince someone that God really does exist. John 3:19- "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil." God doesn't need me to do His biding for Him. "In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood* it". John 1:4&5(*understood: the darkness could not overpower the light!) He's all powerful and can speak for Himself! What I am called to do, is to tell the truth to those who need to hear. To proclaim the name of the Lord, and point others to Him. I am to spread the light of His truth in the dark places of this world.
Those who are living in unbelief are living life in the dark. Stumbling around, unable to see. It's like they have the blinds pulled down over the windows and the sun's light is blocked. They really cannot see what they are needing, because they haven't felt the reality of God. They are blinded by the darkness. So, when someone angrily states: "There is no god", I can honestly say, THAT is THEIR reality. They have the blinds pulled down, and really, just haven't had the experience of seeing the light! But, wow, what God can reveal to a person who allows even the smallest pinpoint of the light of His truth to invade their darkness...now that's when the blind begin to see that there is something more.
So, I challenge you today, as I do myself, to be light in a dark place. I would also ask you to pray that God would "pull the blinds up" in peoples' hearts so that they can see the light of truth shining in. "The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light". (Romans 13:12)
I also bid you to ask God to part the clouds in your life, the stuff that is keeping you from experiencing the full light of God's love. Seek out the light, allowing it to pierce the dark places. 1 Peter 2:9, "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light".
Know that in Him there is no hint or trace of shadow. His light is constant and never fails.
Lyrics to You Are The Sun, by Sara Groves
You are the sun shining down on everyone
Light of the world giving light to everything I see
Beauty so brilliant I can hardly take it in
And everywhere you are is warmth and light
And I am the moon with no light of my own
Still you have made me to shine
And as I glow in this cold dark night
I know I can't be a light unless I turn my face to you
You are the sun shining down on everyone
Light of the world giving light to everything I see
Beauty so brilliant I can hardly take it in
And everywhere you are is warmth and light
And I am the moon with no light of my own
Still you have made me to shine
And as I glow in this cold dark night
I know I canĂt be a light unless I turn my face to you
Shine on me with your light
Without you I'm a cold dark stone
Shine on me I have no light of my own
You are the sun, you are the sun, you are the sun
Beyond the potty training, preschool, and pb&j. Looking to fulfill my purpose in the life God gave me.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
A Celebration of Discipline
I've decided to do something that I've never tired before. And I'm kind of excited. Seems a bit strange to think that I would be excited about something so boring. Really it's not fun. But here I am thinking through it over and over, and I actually feel anticipation for the next forty days. I had decided to give something up for Lent this year. I am not going to indulge in desserts, such as cookies, cake, ice cream, and candy. I am a self proclaimed junk food junkie, although I do attempt to keep myself in check with moderation. But, really why am I conviced that this fast from sweets is even necessary? I wanted to really have a purpose to the challenge, and not just do it, to do it.
The more that I've thought this through the more I felt God speaking to me. There is something to be said for the spiritual disciplines. To most people, the word discipline is associated with work, in the "no pain, no gain" sense of the word. It also seems to get connected to the idea that spiritual disciplines are "old school", ancient, or dead. In my opinion, the younger, "hipper" trends in the church world want to reject the disciplines of the classic church world. I completely understand, and am in agreement with, breaking away from the legalistic mindset of many judgmental attitudes that have been fostered by a "works" faith. I can completely agree that what we do is not all there is to salvation. God's grace covers us, therefore we don't have to earn eternal life. However, there are many things that we can choose to do to draw closer to the heart of God. There are rituals that serve a purpose in our practice of "working out our salvation" to refine us.
While attending college at a Christian Liberal Arts University, I was required as a freshman to take a Fundimental Elements of Christianity class. I do not remember much from that class. What I do remember had a great impact on me. In the class, students read a book entitled, "Celebration of Discipline" (Richard J. Foster). I really struggled at first to read through the book, mostly skimming, highlighter in hand, attempting to get the main ideas of each chapter processed. But as I dug deeper into the material, I began to let it sink in. The ideas that challenged my thinking then, have in recent months come back to me. I pulled that book down off the shelf again to see what God had to say through it.
There are a lot of spiritual rituals and disciplines that I tend to not understand, think are just way too difficult, or often times just forget about. Even the pracice of "standard" or "typical" disciplines can become rote or lack luster in meaning. Worship, prayer, daily bible reading, and communion can lose significance when we take away the celebration of it. The purpose in all of it is to gain focus of the Father, be united with the Son, and be filled up with His Holy Spirit.
Some of the things that I have either been missing out on, or merely didn't realize I was already doing, surprise me. Meditation, prayer, fasting, and study are all inward practices that can rejuvenate our relationship with the Lord. The introvert in me gravitates towards these. Lately, this blog has helped me to grow in the areas of mediation and study. I just wasn't labeling it. My dessert fast is about as aggressive as I have ever come to a "real fast". Fasting for any significant amount of time is something I still need to tackle. I have a great deal to learn about prayer. I know that there will be a time in my life that God will teach me more about prayer and fasting.
The outward disciplines of simplicity, solitude, submission, and service are not as obvious. I know that God has begun to put a hunger in me for a lifestyle of simplicity, and because I enjoy helping others and have gifts in hospitality, the area of service is easier for me. But solitude and submission? Those are tough! Being quiet in a world of busyness and noise so that God can speak is a challenge for us in our society. And the attitude of submission, or self-denial, isn't modeled to us very much even in the church. We live comfortable, relatively easy cushioned lives that rarely push us to do more to draw closer to Christ.
I want to grow. I want to see God more in my life. I am called to live differently than the average joe, because I am called to model my life after Christ. So I embrace the challenge of something new, and hope to meet God in a fresh way through it. If I value my relationship with Him, I will not dread discipline in my life, I will celebrate it!
The more that I've thought this through the more I felt God speaking to me. There is something to be said for the spiritual disciplines. To most people, the word discipline is associated with work, in the "no pain, no gain" sense of the word. It also seems to get connected to the idea that spiritual disciplines are "old school", ancient, or dead. In my opinion, the younger, "hipper" trends in the church world want to reject the disciplines of the classic church world. I completely understand, and am in agreement with, breaking away from the legalistic mindset of many judgmental attitudes that have been fostered by a "works" faith. I can completely agree that what we do is not all there is to salvation. God's grace covers us, therefore we don't have to earn eternal life. However, there are many things that we can choose to do to draw closer to the heart of God. There are rituals that serve a purpose in our practice of "working out our salvation" to refine us.
While attending college at a Christian Liberal Arts University, I was required as a freshman to take a Fundimental Elements of Christianity class. I do not remember much from that class. What I do remember had a great impact on me. In the class, students read a book entitled, "Celebration of Discipline" (Richard J. Foster). I really struggled at first to read through the book, mostly skimming, highlighter in hand, attempting to get the main ideas of each chapter processed. But as I dug deeper into the material, I began to let it sink in. The ideas that challenged my thinking then, have in recent months come back to me. I pulled that book down off the shelf again to see what God had to say through it.
There are a lot of spiritual rituals and disciplines that I tend to not understand, think are just way too difficult, or often times just forget about. Even the pracice of "standard" or "typical" disciplines can become rote or lack luster in meaning. Worship, prayer, daily bible reading, and communion can lose significance when we take away the celebration of it. The purpose in all of it is to gain focus of the Father, be united with the Son, and be filled up with His Holy Spirit.
Some of the things that I have either been missing out on, or merely didn't realize I was already doing, surprise me. Meditation, prayer, fasting, and study are all inward practices that can rejuvenate our relationship with the Lord. The introvert in me gravitates towards these. Lately, this blog has helped me to grow in the areas of mediation and study. I just wasn't labeling it. My dessert fast is about as aggressive as I have ever come to a "real fast". Fasting for any significant amount of time is something I still need to tackle. I have a great deal to learn about prayer. I know that there will be a time in my life that God will teach me more about prayer and fasting.
The outward disciplines of simplicity, solitude, submission, and service are not as obvious. I know that God has begun to put a hunger in me for a lifestyle of simplicity, and because I enjoy helping others and have gifts in hospitality, the area of service is easier for me. But solitude and submission? Those are tough! Being quiet in a world of busyness and noise so that God can speak is a challenge for us in our society. And the attitude of submission, or self-denial, isn't modeled to us very much even in the church. We live comfortable, relatively easy cushioned lives that rarely push us to do more to draw closer to Christ.
I want to grow. I want to see God more in my life. I am called to live differently than the average joe, because I am called to model my life after Christ. So I embrace the challenge of something new, and hope to meet God in a fresh way through it. If I value my relationship with Him, I will not dread discipline in my life, I will celebrate it!
Friday, March 4, 2011
In My Weakness
Weariness sets in as I focus my thoughts on where I am in life, in this current season. I feel as if this chapter in my family's history may never find a resolution. As if the daily grind of kids, housework, and just scraping by will continue to perpetuate itself. Day in and day out, brings the feeling as if I am suspended in time, stuck here. Kind of reminds me of the movie Ground Hog Day. Each day a repeat of the prior.
I am pretty positive that there are many people that feel this way about life. Like a hamster on the wheel...going round and round, and getting nowhere. Growing tired, and weak, and weary. Yet, they plod onward.
This pattern of existence is mirrored in the weather lately. I see it again today. Winter is approaching the end. Still that good old snow keeps threatening to fall once again. Nature nearly gives in to the hope of warmer weather. It teases us with a day or two of sunshine and warmth, only to surrender to the winds that carry in the cold and the snow. Winter makes us weary in the end.
So, what to think, do, feel...How do I go beyond my current circumstances and find the strength to carry on? Even when I am weak? I go to the only source of true strength. The Word of the Lord bringing light, and life, and truth. No other voice can fill my soul like His. "But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:9
The world around us attempts to find its strength in many things. Those are all such cheap substitutes that always fail miserably at satisfaction. I have heard it said that whatever, or whoever, you turn to when are weak, becomes your god. Addicts usually get the elbow to the ribs with this one. But, everyone builds an alter in their heart and erects their "graven image". Everyone. It's just not always made up of the stuff that others can see externally. So, if I turn to sadness, anxiety, worry, and depression...and allow myself to wallow in it, soak it in, breathe it deeply, and believe in it...well, there's my god.
The true quest in this life of unending weariness isn't just to suffer through. And it isn't about finding ways to squelch the pain. It's about tearing down the false gods, the junk that we surrender to, and finding rest and freedom in the Father's presence.
"He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection." Psalm 91:4.
I realize as I gaze upon the beauty of the Lord, that yes, I am completely weak. I feel tired and undone. But, His presence renews me. His strength is more than enough to bring me through this day.
I cannot ever hope to be enough on my own. Even if I wanted to "buck it up" and "push through", because sooner or later, I will build up that false god again. I will look to myself instead of just resting in the Father's arms and letting Him do the work. So, I hide His Word in my heart and place Him at the center of today. Each day I must make Him my God, surrender to His plans for that day, believe that only He is strong enough to bring me through. And again, and again...
(The Invication Fountain) Lyrics
All who are weak
All who are weary
Come to the rock
Come to the fountain
All who have sailed
On the rivers of heartache
Come to the sea
Come on be set free
If You lead me Lord I will follow
Where You lead me Lord I will go
Come and heal me Lord I will follow
Where You lead me Lord I will go
I will go, I will go
I am pretty positive that there are many people that feel this way about life. Like a hamster on the wheel...going round and round, and getting nowhere. Growing tired, and weak, and weary. Yet, they plod onward.
This pattern of existence is mirrored in the weather lately. I see it again today. Winter is approaching the end. Still that good old snow keeps threatening to fall once again. Nature nearly gives in to the hope of warmer weather. It teases us with a day or two of sunshine and warmth, only to surrender to the winds that carry in the cold and the snow. Winter makes us weary in the end.
So, what to think, do, feel...How do I go beyond my current circumstances and find the strength to carry on? Even when I am weak? I go to the only source of true strength. The Word of the Lord bringing light, and life, and truth. No other voice can fill my soul like His. "But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:9
The world around us attempts to find its strength in many things. Those are all such cheap substitutes that always fail miserably at satisfaction. I have heard it said that whatever, or whoever, you turn to when are weak, becomes your god. Addicts usually get the elbow to the ribs with this one. But, everyone builds an alter in their heart and erects their "graven image". Everyone. It's just not always made up of the stuff that others can see externally. So, if I turn to sadness, anxiety, worry, and depression...and allow myself to wallow in it, soak it in, breathe it deeply, and believe in it...well, there's my god.
The true quest in this life of unending weariness isn't just to suffer through. And it isn't about finding ways to squelch the pain. It's about tearing down the false gods, the junk that we surrender to, and finding rest and freedom in the Father's presence.
"He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection." Psalm 91:4.
I realize as I gaze upon the beauty of the Lord, that yes, I am completely weak. I feel tired and undone. But, His presence renews me. His strength is more than enough to bring me through this day.
I cannot ever hope to be enough on my own. Even if I wanted to "buck it up" and "push through", because sooner or later, I will build up that false god again. I will look to myself instead of just resting in the Father's arms and letting Him do the work. So, I hide His Word in my heart and place Him at the center of today. Each day I must make Him my God, surrender to His plans for that day, believe that only He is strong enough to bring me through. And again, and again...
(The Invication Fountain) Lyrics
All who are weak
All who are weary
Come to the rock
Come to the fountain
All who have sailed
On the rivers of heartache
Come to the sea
Come on be set free
If You lead me Lord I will follow
Where You lead me Lord I will go
Come and heal me Lord I will follow
Where You lead me Lord I will go
I will go, I will go
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