Thursday, February 10, 2011

The War Inside

       I like to put my best face forward. Who doesn't want to appear strong, confident, and collected? So, I try to do my best. But really, truthfully, a war is raging inside that has lasted nearly as long as I can remember. I have fought God on this one. It is very hard for me to put my biggest struggle into words and send it out into the great beyond of cyber space...especially, since I do know some of you who are so kind as to read my posts. Yet, I can't go on pretending that I don't deal with this; the fight of my lifetime: the war of my self image vs. God's image of me.
   I know in my head a lot of truths about God. I know that I know, that I know, God is full of love for humanity. He loves us so much, it is hard to fathom the depths of His great love for mankind. I believe that He loves little old ladies, babies with chubby checks, and even the worst of all criminals. He sent His son to die for all. Still, deep down, way down inside my soul...I question, how could he really love me?
    I see all my faults. When I stare at my reflection in the mirror, I don't see how I was made in the image of Christ himself. I see the flaws that I wish would disappear. That somehow, if I just ate one less cookie, or would workout one more hour, then 30 pounds would vanish, as if by magic. I frustrate myself when I try on clothes in a dressing room. And I begin to wonder, really, how is it that I am "fearfully and wonderfully made"?
   I think sometimes that God might love me, but perhaps He is disappointed in how I have turned out. Maybe I have somehow made a mess of myself. Then in the next breath, I question..."Well, if this is how God made me, should I even try to change"? Maybe I should just stuck it up and be satisfied with what I see in my reflection.
   And so, the war continues. Sometimes, I feel like I win a battle with self. I feel ok with me. I even feel the profound and overwhelming weight of God's love for a time. But, freedom is short lived as I face a new moment when I must choose my mindset.
   I know I must continue to fight for freedom in this. I do not have lots of answers. But I do have the word of God, a double edge sword, which I know I must hold tightly onto.

Ephesians 4:20-24 (New International Version)

20 That, however, is not the way of life you learned 21 when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. 22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

This fight is something that I'm sure I'll return to over and over. For tonight I lay it at the Lord's feet and ask Him to renew my mind once again. I need to feel His love and know that I am His.


Cris Helman said...

Just keep believing what God's Word tells us. He loves us, He cares about us, He always has His best in mind for us. We must remind ourselves that His truths are always truth, whether we feel like it or not. It's not about how we feel, it's about what we know to be true.

Janice Jarvis said...

We all fight this self-image thing. It is good to remember all these thoughts that you have put onto this page. You are loved just the way you are!

Marje Navarro said...

Cara, your Mom is right--all of us feel lacking in some way or ways: how we look, our intelligence, our organizational skills, or whatever. I recently read a book by Deborah Norville called "Thank You Power." She reminds us that we need to see the good God has given us and thank Him for it. We are healthy (reasonably), we have friends and family, we're not UGLY, we have certain talents that God has given us, etc. Focusing on these and GIVING GOD PRAISE for them helps you to see how much He loves you. "Count your blessings, name them one by one, count your blessings, see what God has done..." I have found that praising God is the way to get out of a dissatisfied state and back on the right road. Just writing this has reminded me that I need to do some praising myself! Love you!

Lori C said...

Oh self image is such a tricky thing. How do we measure it? Our tools are insufficient and variations occur from day to day about how I see myself. I am fickle, but God loves me lavishly. How can it be? Guess we just accept it's the truth.

Dad Jarvis said...

Reading "The War Inside" is so universally personal. Everyone is engaged in the war within his or her self. The very willingness to face it is the ongoing develement of our relationship with God and ourself. The great battle is won in increments. The last great victory comes at the end, when we see Him who loves us perfectly. Keep at it young lady!