God woke me up in the middle of the night last night. Yep, I already dropped it. The big G-O-D. So, this is going to be "one of those" types of blogs. And yep, I am going to be all reflective and "spiritual" here. But, don't blame me. Really. It's not me. I can't help it. Not when I've decided to go all in with the One who knows me better than I know myself.
But, last night, it wasn't about me. At least, not at first. I had had a crazy dream about an old friend of mine that I haven't seen in years. He's really far from God now, and my heart began to ache for all of the potential, all of the dreams, that the Creator had for him. Unfortunately, my old friend has made his own choices. I am sure that he felt that the choices he made were for his own happiness. But, then I start thinking about how so many of us as weak humans strive for happiness, because we don't know any better. We have bought into the lie. Happiness equals what is right. Or happiness is the ultimate goal in life. We totally go right along with it, too. And we completely miss out on what we were created by the Creator to do.
If we are all working so hard to be happy...then why aren't we anyway? I want to be happy. Then I get frustrated. I buy something new to wear thinking it will satisfy the need I have for something cool, or fresh and new. But, I wear it once and end up disappointed that I still don't feel pretty enough. I wake up early and go work my tail end off at the gym and still, no weight loss! I think, if only I didn't have to do laundry, dishes, and put the kids to bed tonight...well, then I'll be happy. But, even when my dear, devoted husband bends over backwards to make life easy for me, I still miss out on the "happy" that I keep striving after.
So, here I am praying for my friend last night, when BAM, God hits me up with the truth once again. It's all about Him. Knowing Him, being content in Him, seeing life through the lens of Him. When you think about it that way, there's not a lot of room for me, me, me.
So, that's what this journey is about. I need to go beyond my everyday, average Mommy life and start doing something different. Don't get me wrong on the idea that some how being a mom to two awesome kids isn't important, but God's asking me to go on an adventure of sorts. I need to hear Him fresh and new. I also need to work out my purpose in this life, cause I know that I was meant to do good things. Living a quiet life is sweet. Sweet, and safe. It's time I do something maybe a bit dangerous. I'm gonna put myself out there and see what I can find!
I love this, Cara! Great insight. Excited to read more!
Blessings Cara! This is a great "new purpose" to begin. You are writing and will be encouraging others. All you have to do is "plant the seed". God will water and grow it!
~Kate Dolan
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