Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Joy of a New Day

It's no secret. Anyone who knows me can tell you. I am NOT a morning person. I really don't clear the brain fog until somewhere around 9:30 in the morning. I might have to get up and get going before then, but my mind is still in bed. Ahhh, nice, warm, cozy bed. I really do love my bed. But, unfortunately, there are many people who greet the day with great enthusiasm. Those people, that perky type, can never understand how the other half function. We're the "night owls" of the world. The collective whole that seem to drag all day and sometime around 10pm our proverbial "second wind" comes. My best work happens somewhere between 10pm and 12am. My mind is in gear. It's like my body is possessed with a new found energy that goes beyond natural abilities. Yeah, the early bird gets that worm...but the night owl, well, we've realized we can always do it later in the day, like around 11ish.

Recently, though, I have been motivated to try to strike a better balance between the relentless energy of the morning crowd and the late nighters' midnight antics. David sang out in the Psalms, "What a beautiful thing God, to give thanks, to sing an anthem to You, the High God. To announce Your love each day break, sing of Your faithful presence all through the night." (Psalm 92:1&2)

I have started to be convicted of my mental climate towards mornings. I know that my great aversion to daybreak isn't something I can pass off as a personality trait. There might actually be something God wants to teach me about the beauty of a morning. It is especially difficult to be angry at the existence of morning when God confronts me with His word. Like Lamentations 3: 22 and 23: "God's loyal love couldn't have run out, His merciful love couldn't have dried up. They're created new every morning. How great Your faithfulness! (Message)

The famous and resounding words of the great Anne of Green Gables come to mind. As a preteen girl, I spent many a snow day soaking in her deep and profound pearls of wisdom, watching unending hour upon hour of the movie and it's sequel. I fell in love with that redheaded, carrot topped, character. She had a lot to tell the world. You see, after all the shanaigans she found her way into, she understood the greatness of a new day. "Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it."

It is a little silly to look to a fictional character to inspire myself to arise and rejoice at the dawning of a new day, but the truth remains. God creates each day in order for His glorious purpose to be lived out to the fullest in us and through us. We are not awaking to a fresh day to just "make it through". We are arising to live fully in the grace of a living Lord, who has created a new day for us to walk with Him and grow in Him. He has called us to His great purpose, to proclaim the name of Jesus. Even at 7am.

So, I'm awake now. This is the day. I choose to rejoice and be glad in it. I can even hear the birds chirping merrily. Must have been a good morning for them, full of the mercies of a loving God. Probably a lot of worms.

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