Late. Racing against the clock. Things just weren't happening in a timely manner this morning. Five minutes late this morning for Fit Bar, we missed out on the warm up. Later, I was rushing the five year old to preschool. Then hurrying off to pick up my mother in law at the auto shop, I had to trudge across town to get her to work. She had planned on using the dealership's shuttle, but unfortunately, it was 30 minutes behind schedule due to the freshly fallen snow. I was able to get her to the pharmacy that she manages twenty minutes sooner than the shuttle would have, but still ten minutes late to open the doors to customers.
On the way back to the house, I began to think about timing. Our timing. God's timing. How quickly time slips away when we don't want it to, and oh, how slow the moments go when we have to wait. Sometimes I get wrapped up in the few minutes here or there that can throw off my entire day. I get impatient. Red lights don't change fast enough. The kids eat too slowly. Cooking dinner takes longer than I had planned. Or I might find myself waiting on something to happen that I am anxious to get on with.
This is where I find myself most days now. In the waiting. Waiting for what God has next for me and my family. Waiting for answers. And I feel like time is frozen. Somehow I am stuck here in the in-between. I wonder when God will spring into action and make things come together. I become so transfixed on the here and now that I try to make God's timing fit into my calendar.
As I drove down the snow covered street, thinking about my definition of time verses the Lord's timing, I was reminded of the scripture in 2 Peter that speaks of how one day is as good as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day to the Lord. The third chapter goes on to talk about how God is never late with His promises. He just doesn't measure lateness as we do.
I was curious to find another reference pertaining to this idea of Divine timing, which I found in Job chapter 10, verse 5, which says in the Message: "Unlike us, You are not working against a deadline. You have all eternity to work things out." So I remind myself again today, the Lord is at work. He isn't ever late. He knows the end from the beginning. He holds all of time in His hands. It's up to me to stop putting my time restrictions on God and let Him do His work in me. And in the mean time, I'll be here, in the waiting line.
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