Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Bread of Life

"On hearing it, many of his disciples said, "This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?' (John 6:60 NIV)

The disciples of Christ had just listened to Jesus bring the smack down on the Jewish leaders once again. The evening before, Jesus and his disciples had arrived in Capernaum in attempt to escape the crowd of five thousand that was just feed miraculously from the boy's five small barley loaves and two little fish. Then, on the trip over the sea, Jesus caught up with the twelve, with his famous walk across the water. He meet them three or three and a half miles out, climbing in the boat.

When Jesus and his followers were discovered the next day by the crowd, Jesus was asked how he got there. No one had seen him board the boat at the shore the day before. Instead of answering he turns it around to the crowd. "I tell you the truth, you are looking for me, not because you saw miraculous signs but because you ate the loaves and had your fill." (John 6:26 NIV) Jesus continued on to explain, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. But as I told you, you have seen me and still you do not believe." (vs. 36&37)

Many of the followers turned from Jesus and left him because they were expecting him to meet their needs just as their forefathers ate the daily manna while following Moses. They didn't want to accept the source. They were just bumming off of the blessings, the signs, and the wonders.

This past year has been particularly difficult for my husband and I. We have gone through major changes in our home, career, and financial standing. We have very little to depend upon in this physical world. Without the kindnesses of others and the support of our family, I am not sure where we would be right now. We still are seeking daily direction from God, because we don't really have much else. My husband says, "We're living on faith." My personal emotions ebb and flow as I strive to live each day, just one day at a time. I praise the Lord for His provision. I am very thankful and grateful for the hand of protection that He has placed on our family. But, still I pray.

Yet, I am seeing something here that God is highlighting for me today. And it is a hard teaching. Am I just wanting God to preform something miraculous to benefit me? When I pray, am I looking for my prayer to make things better for me? Or am I seeking the Father as the Bread of Life, and the Source? I want to be more cautious and stop looking for the miracle.  And, I don't want to find myself doubting the reality of God, just because I don't see the miracle, like many of the followers did it this scripture.  "....many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him."(vs. 66)

I have known many people who have stopped following Christ through the years. They have turned far from Him for one reason or another. Perhaps they didn't see the hand of God in their lives because they were looking for the signs. They wanted the proof. And they chose just not to believe.

Today I choose to believe in the Bread of Life, for He satisfies my hungry spirit, He quenches the thirst of my soul. Despite the needs of my physical world, I will not pray for more manna. I will seek Him and only Him.

Jesus asked his twelve faith ones if they wanted to leave, too. Peter answers him in verse 68 & 69 saying, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God."

I still believe.

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