Monday, January 24, 2011

Jesus Through the Bible

Names are a powerful thing. I have often heard the story of how I got my name when I was born. I was what my parents have referred to as "the bonus baby",  meaning they thought they were done when they had my older brother and sister, but...SURPRISE!, I came along. My nearly 16- year-old brother was put into a state of shock and awe when they told him Mom was pregnant. My 14- year-old sister, however, rejoiced in celebration, because she had been praying for a baby sister for a while. As the day of my birth approached, my parents inevitably had conversations as to what my name should be. They settled on Kelly, boy or girl, didn't matter. The story goes on though. Supposedly, when they saw me they said that I didn't look like a "Kelly". My sister brought them the name Cara. So, I was named by my big sister.

 A name can hold a lot of meaning to the one who carries it. In bible days, people often named their child  something that carried a meaning that everyone who spoke it would understand. I feel bad for the kid that had to carry around a name that meant "destruction" or "contempt". But, that was what was important in the culture.

I have enjoyed thinking through different names of God recently. We can find such comfort in knowing the ways in which God shows Himself to us. And the fact that Jesus' name is proclaimed in every book of the bible is beautiful.  I really was wowed watching a video I saw posted today by a friend, so I am choosing to share it with you here today.

P.S. I have no idea how that kid memorized this is impressive!

Go with God today.

*Here is a list in print with Scripture References if you are interested, or if you have a hard time viewing the video.

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